Uni-Wash FD Series
The Uni-Wash FD Series is the first wet collector designed specifically for food dust applications. By using water as a filtration medium, many of the safety and maintenance requirements of dry filtration are removed. The advantages are:
- No filters to replace (reduces maintenance costs)
- Consistent air flow (never loose suction)
- Ease of cleaning
- No external safety equipment to monitor or maintain
- Dust is rendered inert when it enters the collector
- Intrinsically safe
- Low voltage components
- Safe handling of filtered dust
- Smaller footprint compared to other dust collectors
- Can be used efficiently indoors close to the application

Ducted Application Sizes
500 – 30,000 CFM
Down Draft Bench Sizes
26.75″W x 18″D up to 180″W x 30″D
Booth Sizes
Booths are available in custom sizes as large as 30′ wide and larger. Crane slots, lighting, sound insulated panels are optional.
The Uni-Wash Scrub Principal
Dust laden air enters the unit from the inlet duct work and is directed to the surface of the water where heavier particles strike the water surface and sink to the bottom of the tank. Dust laden air is then pulled into the scrub cone along with surface water where it creates a series of water curtains along with a torrential washing action. This traps and removes finer particles from the air stream. Material then dissolves and / or settles down into the tank where it is removed as sludge. Fine mist lifts into the Mist Eliminator section where it is separated from dry air which is released to the fan. Water from the mist is released back into the scrub where it eventually returns to the tank.
Advantages of the Uni-Wash Scrub
- The unique Uni-Wash “orifice / impingement” scrub occurs above the water line which means it doesn’t clog or lose airflow as with nearly all other “internal venturi” methods.
- 304 Stainless Steel Scrub Components on all Uni-Wash products.
- Technology that has stood the test of time for over 50 years!

Uni-Wash Wet Dust Collectors have been the preferred technology of companies such as Danone, Fuji Foods and Tyson Foods among many others for many years. ProVent’s commitment to manufacturing strong, heavy duty, high quality equipment sets us apart from those attempting to provide a much lesser product to industry.
Uni-Wash wet dust collectors for the food processing industry are fully complaint with the NFPA standard for combustible dust.