Wet dust collection for water soluble and sinkable particulate.
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Wash Down Ready
- No filters to change / replace
- Auto: Drain, Clean, Fill (optional)
- Low Voltage Components
- VFD Automatically Regulates and Maintains Consistent Airflow
- Ultrasonic Water Level Control
- Remote Touch Screen Controls
Portable cartridge collectors for small applications.
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Manual Pulse Filter Cleaning (Auto Pulse Optional)
- Conforms to NFPA for Combustible Dust
- Wash Down Ready
- Can be Ducted to or Used With Optional Extraction Arm
- 120V/ 1 Phase Electrical Connection
- HEPA filtration (Optional)
Downdraft benches for hand mixing.
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Wash Down Ready
- Auto Pulse Filter Cleaning
- Various Deck Materials
- Various Deck Sizes up to 96″W x 36″D
- High Velocity at the Deck (Average 400 FPM)
Dust Collection for Food Processing
Utilizing Wet-Type dust collection for food processing dust is relatively new. Cartridge collectors have been an industry standard for many years until recently. Uni-Wash UC Wet-Type Dust Collectors have increasingly been sold to companies looking for a way to cut costs and improve efficiency in food processing dust capture. Cartridge dust collectors require regular filter cartridge replacement and dust removal. The continued cost of filter replacement, down time during this process, and exposure to hazardous dust for the maintenance worker, together, can lead to significant costs.
The Uni-Wash UC offers significant advantages over cartridge dust collection. There are no filters to change since the machine utilizes water to capture particulate. The equipment utilizes a much smaller footprint allowing the equipment to be used inside increasing the longevity of the equipment. There will be virtually no exposure to dust as contaminated waste is simply drained away and the tank re-filled. This is a process that can be done in minutes instead of hours
A stainless steel option is available for all Uni-Wash products which is required by many processes within the food industry. If you feel that Wet-Type dust collection may be a solution for your food processing needs, please call us at 800-610-6010.